Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Q&A with Brinley

Brinley, Age 4 1/2

(Son of Shaynah, piratesandpeonies.com)

KIRA: If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have and why? 
BRINLEYIce Power - then I could freeze everything and then skate on it!

KIRAIf you could design a t-shirt what would you draw or write on it?
BRINLEYThe number 5 - because I am 4 and a half and can't wait to be 5! 

KIRAWhat is the funniest thing you saw today/this week? 
BRINLEY: When I was running really, really fast yesterday and my pants started to fall down and you could see my ninja turtle undies! Remember that? That was so silly! 

KIRAIf you could change anything in the world, what would it be?
BRINLEYI would make all the food taste like candy! We should just be able to eat candy all the time!